Today: 27.Oct.2019
Summary on nuclear power in South Africa and Zambia - 2019 (Kelvin Kemm)
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Kelvin Kemm is a nuclear physicist and Chairman of the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation and Nuclear Africa (Pty) Ltd: This is a broad brush picture of the nuclear power situation here. South Africa is the only country in Africa which has a nuclear power station. It is ‘Koeberg’ and it is situated close to Cape Town. It has been running for over 30 years and is recognised as one of the best run nuclear power stations in the world. A number of previous Koeberg senior managers and staff (about 80) are currently at the Baraka nuclear plant in the UAE, in significant positions, bringing that nuclear power station online.

Read 341 times Last modified on Friday, 01 February 2019 15:49

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