John Shanahan is a civil engineer and past president of Go Nuclear, Inc. and Environmentalists for Nuclear - USA: The debate on catastrophic man-made global warming involves many aspects of physics and chemistry for the atmosphere, oceans, land and all aspects of life for animals, insects and humans. It is complicated and elaborate. Dr. Edwin Berry has taken a physics-based systems approach to form a relatively simple analysis of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels added to the atmosphere. His conclusion is that this additional CO2 does not play a significant role in global warming. This article looks at a simple chemical equation for the role of CO2 in the atmosphere. It shows how important carbon dioxide is for many aspects of life on Earth. Get rid of atmospheric CO2 and life will end. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. It is essential to life. Love CO2 and nature.
Four priorities about unscientific claims of man-made climate change and energy (Viv Forbes) Australia
12.Mar.2019Viv Forbes, Executive Director of The Salt Bush Club, Australia: Poor policies are taking Australia into tough times. There are four priorities for the 2019 election. Firstly: Decimate the Feral Green Snakes in the Grass. Secondly: Build more Reliable Base-Load Power Stations. Thirdly: Build More Dams and Weirs. Finally: Fight Fire with Fire. We must fix these four issues. Stop draining Australian money to support foreign agendas and the bloated UN bureaucracy. Let’s help Australians instead.
John Shanahan is a civil engineer and past president of Go Nuclear, Inc. and Environmentalists for Nuclear - USA: There is a titanic struggle over the topic of man-made global warming and man-made sea level rise. The struggle exists on five levels: a) among scientists who have a good knowledge of physics and chemistry related to carbon dioxide from fossil fuels and its role in the entire subject of atmospheric, ocean and land sciences, b) among politicians, c) among people who are determined to save the world from fossil fuels and man-made carbon dioxide, no matter the effects on humanity, d) among other scientists and engineers who claim to have the answers, d) among the public who have very little to no knowledge of atmospheric science, but nevertheless are sure they know the correct answers. A second important topic relates to advocates for nuclear energy who claim to have the answers. If they are wrong about man-made global warming, how can they be trusted with information about nuclear energy. The absolute truth will only come from nature in time. The question is, "How many big mistakes will humans make on this topic before the truth is fully known?
Rob Jeffrey, Economic Risk Consultant: Poverty is the single highest social cost to society. There are only three major policy objectives: a) poverty alleviation, b) reducing inequality and c) reducing unemployment. Emerging economies require electricity energy sources that offer security of supply at the lowest possible cost. Conclusion: Unless emerging countries that have fossil fuels use them it will heavily prejudice their future growth and result in increased unemployment and poverty. Renewables and carbon tax are contrary to objectives. They are both taxes on the poor.