Wade Allison, Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Oxford, United Kingdom Irrational fear of radiation dating from the Cold War period has been exacerbated by unscientific international guidance. We need to appreciate the benefits of radiation for medical care, leisure, agriculture, industry, commerce, many other fields of science and space travel.
Understanding of low dose-rate radiation in Fukushima - Conclusions & Recommendations (SAMRAI)
03.Apr.2015SAMRAI 2014 was held on March 24, 2015 as the First Scientific Advisory Meeting for Radiation and Accurate Information in the First Diet Member's Hall of the House of Representatives, Tokyo, Japan.The main theme was "Scientific understanding of low dose-rate radiation in Fukushima and the issue of rehabilitation in the 20km zone."
Why fear of radiation is wrong: personally, scientifically, environmentally (Wade Allison) (2)
22.Mar.2015Wade Allison, Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Oxford, United Kingdom explains the science of low dose radiation and the disastrous consequences of existing radiation regulations.
Donald R. Riley - He evolved the SEFOR (Southwest Experimental Fast Oxide Reactor) conceptual design. SEFOR was built and successfully proved the Doppler Coefficient that shuts down a reactor using MOX fuel without any special actions. If Chernobyl had been a fast reactor it would not have destroyed itself.