Dale Bailey - Review of last 30 years in nuclear medicine in Australia and projections for the future.
Richard Zimmermann provides the reader with a book that is complete, describing with great accuracy yet in an attractive and comprehensive style all the technical, methodological and pharmaceutical aspects of nuclear medicine, covering also its diagnostic and therapeutic applications. This book proves to be a valuable information source for our young students as well as for hospital intern specialists. .. ..
Was found at: http://www.chinanm.org.cn/bbs/UpFile/UpAttachment/2012-5/201251517202.pdf
Thomas Ruth, TRIUMF -
•A look at the international accelerator facilities for radionuclide production.
•An overlooked source of Mo-99
•View from TRIUMF
•Reflections on radionuclide availability
•Future of Nuclear Imaging
•Distribution of small cyclotrons around the world
Wendy Galbraith, University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy - Nuclear Medicine Radionuclides Needed