Jerry Cuttler - Social concerns about the safety of all nuclear technologies is caused by ideological linkage of any (human-made) radiation exposure to an excess risk of health effects, namely cancer and genetic harm, using the LNT model to calculate excess health risks. This link, created in the 1950s to stop the development and production of nuclear weapons, is maintained in spite of the extensive biological evidence of beneficial effects from low dose or low dose rate exposures. .. .. .. The remedy is to discard this politicized science.
Radiation effects on humans and organisms, and reasons for the fear (Jerry Cuttler) (1 News)
13.Mar.2015Jerry Cuttler - Cuttler & Associates, Inc. Toronto, Ontario, Canada explains the science of low dose radiation.
An open letter to advisory bodies regarding disastrous consequences from LNT at Fukushima (SARI)
13.Mar.2015SARI - The nuclear reactor accident at Fukushima Daiichi that followed the earthquake and tsunami in 2011 prompted well-intended measures that have had disastrous consequences. These were not caused by the radiation itself but by the social stress, the forced evacuation, and the ongoing displacement of tens of thousands of people.
Public Trust in Nuclear Energy (Wade Allison)
09.Mar.2015Wade Allison - Radiation and Reason. A list of the pros and cons of nuclear energy is straightforward; we need it, it is safe, but people are frightened of it. But the need to replace fossil fuels with another large base-load source is widely understood and its safety has been demonstrated many times.