Wade Allison, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Oxford University has dedicated many years to studying, documenting, teaching people and governments around the world the facts of low dose and low dose rate radiation. This document submitted to Parliment in London has received high praise by many scientists. It is easy reading and important for everyone to know.
Wade Allison, Professor Emeritus of Physics, Oxford University - This book expands on the message of Radiation and Reason (2009) following the Fukushima accident (2011). It is a broader study of the historical, cultural and scientific interactions of radiation with life; it asks why society takes such a cautious view of nuclear technology; it looks at the effects of nuclear accidents and other radiation exposures; it looks at the efficacy of safety, as provided by nature and as imposed by regulation; it explains how biological evolution prepared life to survive exposures to low and moderate levels of radiation; it asks if nuclear energy would be expensive, if normal levels of information, education, safety and design were applied.
Nuclear is for life (SONE, Wade Allison)
22.Jan.2016SONE, Supporters of Nuclear Energy has written a review of Wade Allison's book, "Nuclear Is For Life."The activity level 2,000 million years ago was more than twice what it is today. Homo sapiens appeared a mere 100,000 and 200,000 years ago and have always lived within a radioactive environment. Safety regulations based on As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) are not fit for purpose and are dangerous to the economy, the environment and to life and limb. A justifiable safety threshold should be set as high as to do no harm or As High As Relatively Safe (AHARS) rather than ALARA.
Holman Jenkins, writer for the Wall Street Journal, Wade Allison, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Oxford University. A paradigm shift is necessary to facilitate use of nuclear power. This involve stopping use of unscientific radiation guidelines using the Linear No Threshold Hypothesis and basing radiation protection on long observed and documented facts about effects of radiation on living organisms. This article is written so everyone can understand. If we used the Linear No Threshold Hypothesis for guide lines in the rest of our lives, we would not drive cars or take baby aspirin, etc.