Today: 31.Jan.2017

The Right Climate Stuff is a group of scientists and engineers from the US Space Program who are independently studying the topic of man-made global warming. This document is an introduction, conclusions and recommendations from their website. It is an important, independent assessment of this topic.

Roy Spencer, Ph.D. Meteorology: Given current technologies, it makes no sense to destroy $100 Trillion in wealth this century for an unmeasurable reduction in warming. As a lukewarmist I believe (but can’t prove) that humans are probably responsible for some of the recent warming (which has been mostly benign). But until some new energy technology comes along we are stuck with fossil fuels for the foreseeable future. The oil industry’s use of fracking has already reduced carbon dioxide emissions — through a switch from coal to natural gas.

Thorpe Watson, Ph.D. in Physical Metallurgy & Science of Materials. Thirty five year career covering wide range of science disciplines plus 10 year investigation of the climate controversy: We have been told that the carbon dioxide (“CO2”) generated by the consumption of hydrocarbon fuels will cause runaway warming. Our only salvation is to embrace a carbon-free economy or pay indulgences (aka “carbon tax”). How a tax will ward off such a serious threat defies any rational explanation. It is absurd to believe that a carbon-free economy will stabilize the planet's ever-changing climate. However, a carbon-free economy will devastate modern lifestyles.

Rick Maltese, environmentalists and musician: How can we maintain a modern life style in regions that have it, help the rest of the world benefit from a sound economy and modern life style, benefit from use of mineral and natural resources, clean up pollution, promote wildlife habitat and biodiversity? Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy- USA is working for these goals with our priorities. . ECOMODERNISTS, website: is working with their priorities. This is a welcome, broad, practical new approach for mankind, nature and the environment. Let's work together for our home, this precious planet, Earth.

Published in People - General