Ulrich Weber: Die Grundlage unseres Lebensstandards ist die industrielle Wertschöpfung durch Nutzung fossiler und atomarer Energieträger, ebenso wie unsere statistisch nahezu verdoppelte Lebenserwartung gegenüber „ökologischen“ Gesellschaften auf der alleinigen Grundlage von Ackerbau und Viehzucht.
Museum Ladin, Italy: The 1987 discovery of the Ursus Ladinicus cavern in the Dolomites of Italy shows that certain plants grew 1,000 meters higher 50,000 years ago than they do today.
Pat Boone, Tom Tamarkin: This letter to Pope Francis is about Anthropogenic Global Warming and our energy choices: wind, solar, fossil fuels, and nuclear with focus on nuclear fusion. Tragically the AGW concept has created corrupt conditions. This represents the worst side of economic imperialism: monies being taken from the people and redistributed to governments, institutions and corporations based on politics as opposed to science and solid economics.
Michael Hart, emeritus professor of international affairs at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada: This article is a book review/interview about the extent to which modern health, safety, and environmental regulatory activity relies on poor science advanced by activists to push an agenda. The interview is on www.lifesitenews.com. It was distributed by Calvin Beisner at the Cornwall Alliance.
Bill Mundhausen: The controversy among scientists doesn't stop at mere observation, but extends to recommendations about what actions we humans might take. Unfortunately, as long as money and power are in the equation, we may not get to good science for a time. We must therefore remain reasonably skeptical of climate-change claims. As both scientists and consumers of scientific reporting, we must recognize that the overall picture is unsettled and that we must not allow political advocacy to censor any views or steer our judgment.
The Week That Was, Ken Haapala, Fred Singer, Donald Rapp: “The biggest problem today (I think) in climate matters is that we, as a community of scientists, have succumbed to social pressures and have thereby given up on the scientific method, .. .. .. And so we have become relegated to something akin to the trench warfare that prevailed in WW-I when opposing forces were stalemated into probing attacks that went nowhere."
Al Gore, Megan Toombs, Cornwall Alliance: As a forest fire burns miles of land, and leaves many families homeless, Al Gore has claimed it’s all due to global warming. Apparently he didn’t get the notice that it is in fact due to human causes, but not the cause he so adamantly promotes. The arsonist, Damian Pashilk, was arrested and arraigned on 17 counts of arson.
Tom Harris is executive director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition. Tim Ball is an environmental consultant and former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg in Manitoba: The best answer to most of the claims by climate activists and their political allies is simply: so what? "Climate change is real," they say. So what? Gravity and sunrise are also real. That doesn't mean we cause them or we would be better off without them. Climate has been changing since the origin of the atmosphere billions of years ago.
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