Today: 18.Jan.2017
31.Jul.2016 Written by

Sebastian Luening, Die kalte Sonne: Wer hätte das gedacht: Obwohl Versicherungskonzerne jahrelang immer größere Extremwettergefahren androhten, sind jetzt die weltweiten Schäden aus Naturkatastrophen deutlich geringer ausgefallen als befürchtet. Who thought that although insurance companies have been predicting ever larger extreme weather catastrophes (for more premium income) that worldwide extreme weather catastrophes are actually becoming less prevalent.

29.Jul.2016 Written by

Uli Weber - geophysicist,, P. Gosselin: Since the G7-Summit (2015) and the Climate Summit COP21 in Paris (2015), the political aim of many governments is to stop use of fossil fuels by 2100 and supposedly save our planet from anthropogenic global warming (AGW). The AGW-paradigm is allegedly supported by 97% of all climate scientists worldwide. Global decarbonisation has even been recommended by some religious leaders. .. .. Should we abandon our excellent living-standards based on fossil fuels and accept these doomsday predictions?

17.Jul.2016 Written by

Uli Weber, Die kalte Sonne, Sebastian Luening: This is an excellent summary in German about Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming from the points of view of Alarmists, Skeptics and Lukewarmers. Im Angesicht der geplanten Dekarbonisierung unserer Welt sollten wir nicht vergessen, dass sich im Laufe der kulturellen Evolution des Menschen die verfügbare pro-Kopf Energiemenge mehrfach drastisch erhöht hatte und unseren heutigen Lebensstandard erst ermöglicht.

14.Jul.2016 Written by

Nicole Jawerth with the International Atomic Energy Agency explains how nuclear technology with neutron probes can significantly help manage scarce water and improve crops for countries like Sudan. This is a tremendous help for women farmers.

11.Jul.2016 Written by

Zbigniew Jaworowski, member of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change: Despite billions of dollars and millions of propaganda headlines, the global warming prophesied by the climate modelling industry is not scientifically real. Environmental daydreamers try to make it seem axiomatic that imaginary dangers of this warming should be remedied without waiting for proof. In fact, they ask that the scientific uncertainty should become a basis for worldwide regulation, which may enormously burden the people of the world, especially in developing countries.

11.Jul.2016 Written by

Zbigniew Jaworowski, member of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change: The concern at the top about "climate change" is not genuine, and there are hidden motives behind the global warming hysteria. .. .. Not man, but nature rules the climate. The Kyoto Protocol and the IPCC reports may surely make a lot of noise and cause enormous harm for the global economy and for the well-being of billions of people. But they can do nothing for the climate.

11.Jul.2016 Written by

Zbigniew Jaworowski, member of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change: Q: Does anyone have enough courage to just throw into the trash the plans for draconian restrictions on CO2 emissions? A: In the 1960s, a report was created to present a forecast for world development. They looked at the coming period of peace, in which there would be no great war. The group report proposed substitutes for war. One was to create a “fictitious enemy of the world” and have it be a matter of climate. The proposal became criminal in nature.

05.Jul.2016 Written by

Uli Weber: Seit 4.600.000.000 Jahren bestimmt allein die Strahlung der Sonne die Temperatur unseres Planeten und damit auch das Klima auf der Erde. Das IPPC behauptet nun, innerhalb von etwa 200 Jahren habe der Mensch mit der Industrialisierung diesen natürlichen Klimaantrieb durch seinen industriellen CO2-Ausstoß außer Kraft gesetzt und bestimme nun das Klima allein.

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