CO2 Coalition, William Happer et al.: Atmospheric water, H2O, as vapor and clouds, is by far the most important source of greenhouse warming of the Earth's surface. Atmospheric CO2 also contributes to warming but much less than H2O. More CO2 will cause some additional warming, both directly and with amplification by feedbacks, which are still very poorly understood. The earth's temperature is affected by many other factors. Among these are solar activity, atmospheric and ocean circulation patterns, volcanic activity, etc. We are persuaded that the net effects of increasing CO2 will be very good for the world, especially for people.
CO2 Coalition, William Happer et al.: The fraction of the beneficial molecule CO2 in the current atmosphere is tiny, about 0.04% by volume. This level is about 30% larger than pre-industrial levels in 1800. But today's levels are still much smaller than the levels, 0.20% or more, that prevaied over much of geological history. CO2 levels during the past tens of millions of years have been much closer to starvation levels, 0.015%, when many plants die, than to the much higher levels that most plants prefer.
Larry Bell: "Climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth." - IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer. The larger issue has to do with just how many of those who stoke the global warming alarm fires have real confidence in that “science.” So let’s briefly review just a few candid comments that some of them have offered on this topic.
Tony Heller reviews Jim Hansen's predictions for Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming aka Climate Change. This climate scientist appears to be making predictions based on computer models that contain assumptions that don't represent the full picture nor reality.
Paul Dorian, Meteorologist at Vencore reports that in early June, 2016 the sun had no sun spots. He explains the general significance for climate on Earth when there are prolonged periods of no sun spots. The sun is the dominant influence on Earth's climate, no carbon dioxide from use of fossil fuels.
John Coleman, meteorologist, Founder of the Weather Channel, and witness to how the man-made global warming scare got started with Al Gore provides facts and details in his video from 2014. His essay in 2016 discusses actions by Greenpeace and the Sierra Club decrying the "ugliness" of civilization. These organizations seem to think that things were better in pre-industrial times or modern-day central Africa..
David M. W. Evans - We check the main predictions of the climate models against the best and latest data. Fortunately the climate models got all their major predictions wrong. Why? Every serious skeptical scientist has been consistently saying essentially the same thing for over 20 years, yet most people have never heard the message. Here it is. Skeptics agree with government climate scientists about the direct effect of CO2; they just disagree about the feedbacks. The climate debate is all about feedbacks: everything else is merely a sideshow.
John Shanahan, President of Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy - USA explains the purpose of presenting all sides of the Catastrophic Anthropogenic (man-made) Global Warming, CAGW, / Climate Change debate along with comments by scientists on all sides of this discussion. Support for nuclear energy must be by sound science, i.e. following the Scientific Method. One of the sides in the CAGW debate is not following the Scientific Method. The readers of the website can decide for themselves.
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