Sylvestre Huet: Dans sa chronique, Olivier Postel-Vinay prétend faire oeuvre de journaliste spécialisé, capable de lire non seulement les rapports du Giec mais aussi les articles de Nature. En tous cas, s’il lit vraiment les rapports du Giec et les articles des revues scientifiques sur le climat, Postel-Vinay n’est pas un ignorant, c’est donc un menteur. Il ment lorsqu’il écrit: « Le Giec a admis s’être trompé sur l’évolution de la température moyenne globale de la Terre selon les prévisions, continuer d’augmenter régulièrement après 1998, date d’un événement El Niño ».
Herve Nifenecker, honorary chairman of "Sauvons Le Climat" and colleagues in eight countries explain how solutions to the problem of climate change developed in the wake of requirements established by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) make various assumptions we might not be able to address. Attempting to capture and store carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels, coal, natural gas, and oil, in power stations and vehicles involves a massive geological-scale engineering effort even at today's emission rates based on rising energy requirements.
Stephan Savarese, Aerospace Engineer, President, Science Advisor and Board Member Saving Our Planet: Il n’est plus temps de tergiverser : la COP22 marque le début du temps de l’action. La Copé » doit en marquer la fin. Ensuite, il sera trop tard pour +1,5°C. Heureusement, la science du climat nous donne aujourd’hui des informations sur les causes et l’évolution du changement climatique.
Stephan Savarese, Aerospace Engineer, President, Science Advisor and Board Member Saving Our Planet: Une fois la ceinture de l’océan et de la banquise déchirée, plus rien ne retiendra l’emballement du système climatique vers un nouveau point d'équilibre, dont la température moyenne est bien plus élevée que les 15,6°C auxquels sont habitués les grands écosystèmes.
Renowned Princeton Physicist Freeman Dyson: ‘I’m 100% Democrat and I like Obama. But he took the wrong side on climate issue, and the Republicans took the right side’
Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Dr. Ivar Giaever, Who Endorsed Obama Now Says Prez. is ‘Ridiculous’ & ‘Dead Wrong’ on ‘Global Warming’
Green Guru James Lovelock reverses belief in ‘global warming’: Now says ‘I’m not sure the whole thing isn’t crazy’ - Condemns green movement: 'It’s a religion really, it’s totally unscientific'
Uli Weber: Kohlendioxid (CO2) hat also eine Klimasensitivität von deutlich weniger als 1,0 [°C/2xCO2] und kann damit weder aktuell noch für die geologische Vergangenheit der bestimmende Klimaantrieb für die Temperaturschwankungen auf unserer Erde sein.
Adelino de Santi Junior is a biologist with Nuclear Industries of Brazil: He compares nuclear power with many other energy sources. He focuses on the topic of CO2 from fossil fuels, but his arguments apply to many other issues when evaluating different energy sources. This website presents articles by people with different views about man-made global warming as long as the author is generally respectful toward people with other views. In some cases we present views by intolerant authors, only to show our audiences what is happening. Thanks for your great leadership, Adelino.
Howard Cork Hayden, Emeritus Professor of Physics: Nobody at COP-22 was discussing atmospheric energy transport, gave talks about computer modeling, talked about measurements, talked about instrumentation, nor talked about atmospheric dynamics. Make no mistake about it: COP-22 was about money and (political) power. The same thing has happened 21 times before. Neither China, the United States, nor any other nation can get enough energy from sunbeams, breezes, and chicken manure, the energy sources favored by the delegates to any of the COP gatherings.
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