Children categories

People - General (60)
This section covers historical highlights of people in general. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - Asia, South Pacific, Australia, and New Zealand (16)
This section covers historical highlights of people in Asia, South Pacific, Australia and New Zealand. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - The Americas (46)
This section covers historical highlights of people in South, Central and North America. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - Africa (12)
This section covers historical highlights of people in Africa and the Middle East. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - Europe and Middle East (17)
This section covers historical and present day highlights of people in Europe and Russia. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past and present, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help.
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Life (biological history) (2)
This section discusses the evolution of the human race in general.
View items...Max Roser, economist, geoscientist, philosopher, Founder and Program Director, Our World in Data: To see where we are coming from we must go far back in time. When you only consider what the world looked during our life time it is easy to make the mistake of thinking of the world as relatively static – the rich, healthy and educated parts of the world here and the poor, uneducated, sick regions there – and to falsely conclude that it always was like that and that it always will be like that. In 1950 two-thirds of the world were living in extreme poverty; in 1981 it was still 42%. In 2015 – the last year for which we currently have data – the share of the world population in extreme poverty has fallen below 10%. That is a huge achievement, for me as a researcher who focuses on growth and inequality maybe the biggest achievement of all in the last two centuries.
Congress Woman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D, NY launched her Green New Deal February 7, 2019. It is by far the largest plan ever for the United States government to take control of most aspects of every American's life and spend tremendous amounts of money that doesn't exist. It would far surpass the artificial economies of Communist China and the Soviet Union. This is a massive transformation of American society with clear goals and timeline. The Green New Deal resolution is a 10-year plan to mobilize every aspect of American society at a scale never seen before. It aims to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and create economic prosperity for all. This is preposterous: If implemented, it will replace the unmatched successful capitalism economic model with a profoundly failed socialism economic model. It will obliterate the American currency, which is already seriously compromised by four decades of accumulating a 20 trillion dollar national debt. It will exceed this national debt many times over.
Congress Woman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D, NY launched her Green New Deal February 7, 2019. It is by far the largest plan ever for the United States government to take control of most aspects of every American's life and spend tremendous amounts of money that doesn't exist. It would far surpass the artificial economies of Communist China and the Soviet Union. This is a massive transformation of American society with clear goals and timeline. The Green New Deal resolution is a 10-year plan to mobilize every aspect of American society at a scale never seen before. It aims to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and create economic prosperity for all. This is preposterous: If implemented, it will replace the unmatched successful capitalism economic model with a profoundly failed socialism economic model. It will obliterate the American currency, which is already seriously compromised by four decades of accumulating a 20 trillion dollar national debt. It will exceed this national debt many times over.
Michael Connolly, Ronan Connolly, Imelda Connolly, Willie Soon, Patrick Moore - Patrick has been a leader in the international environmental field for more than 30 years. He was a founding member of Greenpeace. In 1989, Michael and Imelda set up and ran the Republic of Ireland’s National Aquarium to promote awareness and interest in both the beauty and fragility of the ocean’s ecosystems. Michael and Ronan have both been actively involved in the research and development of ethical, sustainable and commercially viable methods for a) fish farming, b) reducing water pollution and c) energy conservation. Willie has dedicated his career to scientific research and has published peer-reviewed scientific papers in the fields of astronomy, astrophysics, climate science and environmentalism.
Greenpeace have successfully created a public perception that they are fighting to protect humanity, nature and the environment from the evils of corrupt industries and vested interests. As we will discuss in this report, the reality is almost exactly the opposite...
David Wojick, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow, CFACT, Washington, D.C., Ph.D. Philosophy of Science and Mathematical Logic, B.Sc. Civil Engineering: The Green New Deal has two features which, taken together, will make it a nightmare for Democrats in the upcoming national elections. First, it is a wonderful wish list of goals the Democrats hold dear. But second, the actions it calls for are impossible. In particular, they would be impossibly expensive, even for tax-and-spend Democrats. The Green New Deal is simply preposterous. This unholy combination sets up a dilemma for every Democrat candidate, for the Presidency, House or Senate. The problem is that every Democrat candidate will have to declare whether or not they endorse the Green New Deal.