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Decoding the United Nations agenda, lies, naivety, and ineptitude (Eric Jelinski) Canada
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Eric Jelinski, past president of Environmentalists for Nuclear - Canada, farmer, environmentalist, university lecturer with degrees in mechanical, chemical and nuclear engineering: Depletion of soil fertility is happening just about everywhere. The UN recently reported that in about 60 harvests soil depletion will be at the point where there are not enough nutrients in the soil to feed ourselves. Shortages of food is already happening in various parts of the world. Those shortages are a threat to national security of Canada, and in fact all western countries. Sustainable development under the guidance of the UN has been a failure. That is why people cannot feed themselves, and have not built themselves the technical, social, and economic infrastructure that we have in the west. Feed somebody for forever is not a solution. Show people how to grow food so they can feed themselves is the solution. The UN represents the ‘failed nations.’ It has concocted the solution to migrate to where there is food.

Painting in Clyfford Still Museum in Denver, Colorado. From collection of images of the Depression. Still painted large abstract canvases meant to evoke the mystery of human existence through pure colour and form.
Read 532 times Last modified on Sunday, 09 December 2018 10:42

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