Today: 19.Jan.2017

The 2016 Presidential election debates were some of the ugliest in history. This is some post election advice from an American Buddhist teacher and photos of a philosophical debate among Tibetan monks.

Published in People - The Americas

The central purpose of is to focus on the potential goodness in mankind and the wonders of nature and the environment. But, reality frequently interferes. This article by Paul Driessen of the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow, CFACT, describes how extremely wealthy and powerful people are enriching themselves and abusing humanity and the environment. James Lovelock: "The climate is doing its usual tricks. There's nothing much really happening yet. We were supposed to be halfway toward a frying world now."

Published in People - The Americas

World Nuclear Association: Russia’s President Putin has unilaterally announced cancellation of the 2000 Russia-US Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement to reduce each country’s weapons-grade plutonium by 34 tonnes. He cited US proposals to dispose of the US plutonium in other ways than by completing the Savannah River MOX plant, which is behind schedule and over budget. The US government's intentions to down blend weapons grade plutonium and bury it in the ground instead of using it in commercial reactors is similar to decisions to stop development of fast reactors. The world goes on without the USA.

Published in Energy Today

Christopher Booker: The UK may soon face major blackouts due to the impending closure of 14 nuclear and coal-fired power stations which currently supply nearly 40 per cent of our peak electricity needs. This disaster would be unique in Europe, because of the blindness of successive governments’ energy policy. But it now seems that Germany may get there before the UK following its government’s decision, in the wake of Fukushima, to shut eight of its 17 nuclear power plants immediately, with the rest to follow.

Published in Energy Today

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