Today: 31.Oct.2019

William Doss, Writer for, Jeffrey Siegel, President and CEO of Nuclear Physics Enterprises.: A group of nuclear energy executives and consultants refuted the nearly 80-year-old belief that low doses of radiation can eventually cause cancer, instead positing that it produces a beneficial biological response, in an article published in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine. They argue the long-held Linear No-Threshold Hypothesis is flawed.

Published in Low Dose Radiation

Poul Hoilund-Carlsen, Department of Nuclear Medicine Odense University Hospital, Denmark, Mohn Doss, Medical Physicist in Diagnostic Imaging: “The good rays - let them shine” appeared in European Journal of Nuclear Medicine highlighting the invalidity of the LNT model and asking for relaxation of restrictions for low doses involved in nuclear medicine. The two major journals in nuclear medicine – Journal of Nuclear Medicine (JNM) and EJNM are editorially aligned against the LNT model.

Published in Low Dose Radiation

Alan Waltar, nuclear engineer, Past President of the American Nuclear Society: This review contains a brief summary of the ANS/HPS Joint Conference on Low Level Radiation, including both an overview of the conference as well as key conclusions deemed to be helpful in planning the path forward. We plan on continuing activity so that the information and momentum gained from this conference can be captured to productively impact the radiation community. This initiative can be elevated to a more encompassing international level, with dedicated leadership coming from globally recognized institutions such as the OECD/NEA.

Published in Low Dose Radiation

Charles Sanders, Ph.D. radiobiologist: Dr. Sanders’ book is a single-author monograph dealing with the topic of hormesis from a historical perspective, epidemiological data of a bomb survivor, high-background areas, and medical uses. The birth of linear no-threshold (LNT) as a paradigm for radiation protection according to the author is based on the “radiophobia” whipped up by regulators.

Published in Low Dose Radiation

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