Children categories

People - General (45)
This section covers historical highlights of people in general. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - Asia, South Pacific, Australia, and New Zealand (5)
This section covers historical highlights of people in Asia, South Pacific, Australia and New Zealand. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - The Americas (18)
This section covers historical highlights of people in South, Central and North America. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - Africa and Middle East (2)
This section covers historical highlights of people in Africa and the Middle East. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - Individual examples around the world (38)
This section contains short stories about people who are contributing to making a better world. They can inspire everyone to work for harmony among people of differing ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs, and to work for stronger economies and better living conditions. Examples include giants in the arts, humanities, education, science, and engineering, from the past and present, and today's students of all ages, who are important for the future. Plentiful, reliable, environmentally sound energy is key to the lives of these outstanding people, the rest of us and to preserving nature and the environment.
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People - Europe and Russia (4)
This section covers historical and present day highlights of people in Europe and Russia. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past and present, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help.
View items...Thomas Cochran, physicist, lead anti-nuclear power advocate at the Natural Resources Defense Council: Nuclear power is the only energy that can meet all the world's electrical energy needs for thousands of years. It is reliable, clean, safer than almost anything else mankind does. He wants the USA and the world to stop using nuclear energy. He has been working towards this goal since the 1970s.
George W. Bush, Former President of the United States of America: We are gathered in the cause of liberty at this unique moment. Great democracies face new and serious threats – yet seem to be losing confidence in their calling and competence. Economic, political and national security challenges proliferate, and they are made worse by the tendency to turn inward. The health of the democratic spirit itself is at issue. And the renewal of that spirit is the urgent task at hand. ... ... How do we begin to encourage a new, 21st century American consensus on behalf of democratic freedom and free markets? That’s the question I posed to scholars at the Bush Institute. Pete Wehner and Tom Melia have answered with their “The Spirit of Liberty: At Home, In The World,” a Call to Action paper.
John Shanahan, Dr. Ing., Civil Engineer, President of Environmentalists for Nuclear - USA: This is a short essay with photos explaining how men and women improved the original natural conditions of a semi-arid climate with just short prairie grass to a thriving large urban area in Metro Denver, Colorado, USA with abundant varieties of beautiful trees, bushes, flowers. The Romans did this 2000 years ago. The Chinese, Japanese, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Europeans, people in the Middle East, Russia and India also did this long before the people of Denver did it. With better government, setting a goal of peaceful coexistence and plentiful energy, these tremendous improvements can be made throughout the rest of the world and hopefully end conflicts and wars. Metro Denver, Colorado has people from all over the world living here peacefully together, happy and prospering.
Tony Abbott: Former Prime Minister of Australia: Discusses the importance of being able to doubt in many areas of life in the western world, in particular regarding the topic of man-made global warming, man-made climate disruption, man-made climate change or whatever the new name they give it is and the ability to doubt their claims they can control and reverse all changes in Earth's climate.
Paul Driessen, senior policy analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow: It seems nearly everyone wants to advance sustainability principles. The problem is, no one really knows what they are. Real sustainability means responsible conservation and stewardship of natural resources. The public relations variety is mostly image-enhancing fluff.