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People - General (45)
This section covers historical highlights of people in general. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - Asia, South Pacific, Australia, and New Zealand (5)
This section covers historical highlights of people in Asia, South Pacific, Australia and New Zealand. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - The Americas (18)
This section covers historical highlights of people in South, Central and North America. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - Africa and Middle East (2)
This section covers historical highlights of people in Africa and the Middle East. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - Individual examples around the world (38)
This section contains short stories about people who are contributing to making a better world. They can inspire everyone to work for harmony among people of differing ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs, and to work for stronger economies and better living conditions. Examples include giants in the arts, humanities, education, science, and engineering, from the past and present, and today's students of all ages, who are important for the future. Plentiful, reliable, environmentally sound energy is key to the lives of these outstanding people, the rest of us and to preserving nature and the environment.
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People - Europe and Russia (4)
This section covers historical and present day highlights of people in Europe and Russia. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past and present, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help.
View items...Maurice Allais, Nobel Prize in Economics, 1988, Memorium by Marjorie Mazel Hecht: French thinker Maurice Allais, who died Oct. 9, 2010, is alone among the Nobel Laureates in economics in making the general welfare, and physical reality, central to his economic theories. For this he deserves our thanks. But Professor Allais was more than just an economist; he wrote many books and papers on history, both ancient and modern, and on various political systems.
Paul Driessen, Senior Policy Analyst, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow: It’s amazing how we are bombarded by accusations that our technologies and living standards offend basic principles of fair trade, human rights, sustainable development and social justice. Except, it seems, when the technologies are electric vehicles, wind turbines, solar cells, cell phones and other gadgets so beloved by progressives and environmentalists. ... Where are the demands for justice, the student protests, sit-ins and boycotts against Nokia, Apple, Vestas and Tesla? Why are Fair Trade and Living Wage activists not speaking out on behalf of rare earth workers in Baotou, Inner Mongolia – or parents and children mining cobalt and lithium under even more horrendous conditions in Congo?
Uli Weber, Geophysiker und Publizist: Seit der Christianisierung Mitteleuropas hat die Religion das Denken der Menschen als Angstglauben beherrscht und damit deren Handeln zwangsgesteuert, Zitat aus Wikipedia: Religion kann Wertvorstellungen normativ beeinflussen, menschliches Verhalten, Handeln, Denken und Fühlen prägen.
Chaitanya Mallapur, IndiaSpend:India’s foodgrain production rose five times over six decades, according to 2016 government data, the latest available. But with the average Indian farm half as large as it used to be 50 years ago and yields among the lowest in developing economies, both the agriculture sector and farmers have been driven to the brink, shows an IndiaSpend analysis.
The Times of India, Vishwa Mohan: India's foodgrain production for the 2016-17 crop year is estimated at record 275.68 million tonnes. The government on Wednesday revised its previous figures upward by 2.3 million tonnes and came at the new figure which is over 4 per cent higher than the previous record production achieved in the country during 2013-14. The production in 2016-17 is significantly higher by 24.12 million tonnes (9.59 per cent) than the output of 2015-16 which was a drought year.
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