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People - General (45)
This section covers historical highlights of people in general. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - Asia, South Pacific, Australia, and New Zealand (5)
This section covers historical highlights of people in Asia, South Pacific, Australia and New Zealand. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - The Americas (18)
This section covers historical highlights of people in South, Central and North America. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - Africa and Middle East (2)
This section covers historical highlights of people in Africa and the Middle East. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - Individual examples around the world (38)
This section contains short stories about people who are contributing to making a better world. They can inspire everyone to work for harmony among people of differing ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs, and to work for stronger economies and better living conditions. Examples include giants in the arts, humanities, education, science, and engineering, from the past and present, and today's students of all ages, who are important for the future. Plentiful, reliable, environmentally sound energy is key to the lives of these outstanding people, the rest of us and to preserving nature and the environment.
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People - Europe and Russia (4)
This section covers historical and present day highlights of people in Europe and Russia. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past and present, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help.
View items...Smedley Butler, Major General, Ret. USMC: In 1933 after his retirement, he gave this speech describing his experience in the U.S. Marine Corps following government orders on three continents. "I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service." Only when we put humanity and the whole world before individuals and nations will wars come to an end.
Sir Ketumile Masire, Nelson Mandela, Free Market Foundation, Leon Louw: It may seem strange that a free market organisation should honour somebody for his acts as head of a government. Free market organisations spend a lot of time criticising the actions of governments but they are not opposed to governments. On the contrary, we fully realise that free markets can only exist under the aegis of a good government. : “One of the key initiatives that I took was to put in place the process of charting a long-term vision for Botswana … an educated and informed nation; a prosperous, productive and innovative nation; an open, democratic and accountable nation; a moral and tolerant nation…” Sir Ketumile Masire
Eric Jelinski has engineering degrees in three disciplines, teaches nuclear engineering curriculum at the University of Toronto, had a full career with the nuclear power industry in Canada and is President of Environmentalists for Nuclear - Canada. In this short essay, he outlines the history of the human race based on history of the energy sources that were available and addresses retrograde environmentalists and their organizations that want to use a high percentage of so called renewable energy (wind, solar, and biofuels).
Steven Lyazi is a member of the EFN-USA Board of Advisors in Kampala, Uganda. This article expresses his views about people in North America and Europe who intend to impose their plans to limit use of fossil fuels in Africa and around the world in the name of supposed catastrophic man-made global warming. Far worse than any effects from man-made global warming will be mass starvation from lack of fossil fuels and the benefits of all their by-products.
John Shanahan, Civil Engineer, President of Environmentalists for Nuclear - USA: Plentiful energy from fossil fuels, hydro and nuclear brought tremendous benefits to many countries in the last 120 years. Many other countries lack sufficient amounts of these essential energy sources, have ineffective or corrupt governments, weak economies and poor policies about the environment, nature, wilderness, and biodiversity. This article offers ideas about sound moderate government and respect for the environment.
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