Children categories

People - General (60)
This section covers historical highlights of people in general. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - Asia, South Pacific, Australia, and New Zealand (16)
This section covers historical highlights of people in Asia, South Pacific, Australia and New Zealand. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - The Americas (46)
This section covers historical highlights of people in South, Central and North America. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - Africa (12)
This section covers historical highlights of people in Africa and the Middle East. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help. Contributions are from people in all walks of life.
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People - Europe and Middle East (17)
This section covers historical and present day highlights of people in Europe and Russia. It exams what can be done to make the future better than the past and present, including how plentiful, reliable energy can help.
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Life (biological history) (2)
This section discusses the evolution of the human race in general.
View items...Michael Shellenberger, Founder - President of Environmental Progress: Rep. Ocasio-Cortez said, "The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change." Then, yesterday, she proposed a “transition from” nuclear power, America’s largest source of emissions-free energy. How does she avoid the cognitive dissonance created by holding two radically opposed views? The Socialist revolutions of the last century all over again.
Michael Shellenberger, Founder - President of Environmental Progress: Bill McKippen, Alexandris, Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders are behind the Green New Deal in Congress. This will stop fossil fuels and nuclear and leave the government in charge of most of the things in our private lives. The Socialist revolutions of the last century all over again.
Paul Driessen, senior policy analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow: Foreign tourism in France has been the highest in the world. It has beautiful countrysides, mountains, sea coasts, towns and cities. It also has very high taxes and dogmatic governments when it comes to the illusion of catastrophic man-made global warming from use of fossil fuels. In 2018, the French government imposed more taxes on transportation fuels supposedly to save the world from catastrophic man-made global warming. Common French citizena had enough. They put on their gilets jaunes - yellow safety jackets required in all cars and blocked streets across the country. Everywhere, France is rioting. France is burning. It is ugly. French President, Emmanuel Macron, fled Paris and cancelled the additional carbon tax. This is not the end, but it is the beginning of the end of dogmatic government policies about supposed catastrophic man-made climate change, in France and across Europe.
Eric Jelinski, past president of Environmentalists for Nuclear - Canada, farmer, environmentalist, university lecturer with degrees in mechanical, chemical and nuclear engineering: Depletion of soil fertility is happening just about everywhere. The UN recently reported that in about 60 harvests soil depletion will be at the point where there are not enough nutrients in the soil to feed ourselves. Shortages of food is already happening in various parts of the world. Those shortages are a threat to national security of Canada, and in fact all western countries. Sustainable development under the guidance of the UN has been a failure. That is why people cannot feed themselves, and have not built themselves the technical, social, and economic infrastructure that we have in the west. Feed somebody for forever is not a solution. Show people how to grow food so they can feed themselves is the solution. The UN represents the ‘failed nations.’ It has concocted the solution to migrate to where there is food.
Andrew Kenny, physicist and mechanical engineer: This is why socialists support minimum wages. They just hate the thought of some poor, lower class businessman (usually a black one in South Africa) becoming an employer. They think only the rich upper classes should provide jobs; hence why only large corporations are capable of pricing in the minimum wage, whereas smaller entrepreneurs would have no hope of complying with it. The heart of socialism is the class system. Whether it is Julius Malema or Vladimir Lenin or Fidel Castro or your Professor of Sociology, all socialists believe they belong to a superior class entitled to rule the inferior classes.