Tom Tamarkin: AGW or climate change is not the big problem many claim. Only fossil hydrocarbon fuels and nuclear energy can supply material amounts of energy due to their many orders of magnitude higher energy flux densities than so called renewables. Once fossil fuels are depleted beyond the point of economically viable production there is only one energy source available to provide the Earth’s energy needs. That is the conversion of matter into energy as formulated in the equation E=mc2.
Nuclear Power more profitable than Coal when funding is correct (Dawid Serfontein) (Nuclear Africa)
16.Sep.2015Dawid Serfontein: Nuclear plants are more capital intensive than most other power plants. They last for 60 years, compared to only 25 years for wind turbines. They also produce power as much as 90% of the time, compared to much less than 30% for wind turbines. If you fund nuclear plants with the cheap loans that are currently available to Eskom, then nuclear plants will produce reliable, clean power cheaper than coal, wind, and solar. The New Generation III nuclear reactors are some of the safest machines on the planet.
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